Profile Med Spa Tour
Take a tour of Profile Aesthetic & Wellness Med Spa in Wilton Manor, FL. We are located just a few blocks from Downtown Fort Lauderdale.
Profile Aesthetics & Wellness is here to remove boundaries for men who are striving to be better versions of themselves—regardless of their age, lifestyle, profession, or orientation. Through our advanced facial, body, skin, and wellness treatments, we can help you turn back the clock on aging, achieve an optimal body physique, enhance sexual performance, and improve overall health and well-being—all without judgment or barriers. We deliver concierge services in a decadent, inclusive, and private environment with the goal of elevating the life you lead. At Profile, the future looks bright indeed.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Pellet Insertion (BHRT)
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is the therapeutic use of plant-based hormones that are identical on a molecular level with those created by the human body. Hormone pellets are often the preferred method of delivery and have benefits over other formulations, such as creams or orals. Sustained, consistent release of hormones from pellets over time is considered an advantage over the fluctuations that can occur with other formulations, like anabolic steroids.
Pellet therapy is simple and easy! Pellets are inserted into patients 3-4 times per year. The procedure takes less than 15 minutes.
Patients don’t have to worry about applying creams or taking orals daily so compliance is not an issue.
P-Shot treatment
The P-Shot stimulates natural repair and enhances blood flow wherever it’s injected, offering expedited injury recovery, hair and skin rejuvenation, and improved soft tissue health. As a treatment, PRP male enhancement injections provide comprehensive rejuvenation, improving both the function of the penis.
Many patients experience a significant boost in feelings of confidence, masculinity, and empowerment to achieve their goals in virtually every aspect of their life. P-Shot injections are safe and effective for treating symptoms of erectile dysfunction and are often used in conjunction with testosterone therapy. In addition, PRP male enhancement can improve blood flow, sensitivity, sexual stamina, libido, orgasm intensity, and penile length and width.
Profile Med Spa Slideshow
Learn about the mission of Profile Med Spa and how we help others.